Parents as Partners 

Parents/carers are the child’s first and most enduring educators. When Parents/carers and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on the child’s development. A successful partnership needs to be a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise.

We aim to develop this by:

  • Outlining how the EYFS is being delivered to Parents/carers during the new parents meeting in the summer term prior to starting school to enable them to understand the value of supporting their child’s learning at home and how they can access more information.
  • Curriculum letters are sent home periodically to keep parents informed of their child’s current curriculum and learning needs, with an outline of activities which could be undertaken at home to support this.
  • Weekly EYFS newsletters are sent home to keep parents informed and involved in their child’s learning journey.
  • Operating an “open door” policy, whereby parents/carers can come and discuss concerns and developments in an informal manner, and also to view children’s work.
  • Inviting parents/carers to help in the reception class or other classes in the school and to accompany children on school visits.
  • In the Autumn term, there will be an evening meeting for parents to further explain the curriculum, with a particular focus on phonics and reading, and to share ideas on how parents can be involved.
  • Discussing individual next steps and progress with parents/carers at parents’ evening in Autumn and Spring terms.
  • Providing an annual written report to parents/carers in July summarising the child’s progress against the early learning goals and EYFS assessment scales.
  • Any concerns over special needs will be discussed with parents and the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) for the school.