Below is some information for parents and carers to let you know about class 2. We hope you find it useful!

Mrs Sempers

Class 2 is a very happy place to be and I love teaching the boys and girls in Year 1 and 2. We have a wonderful bright and engaging classroom which opens up to the hall where our classroom extends into our continuous provision area. Our mornings are formal but fun – we do phonics, English and Maths daily. In the afternoons we cover the wider curriculum and the children are able to access continuous provision in the role play area, construction and creative areas and through various activities linked to the curriculum.

We are a mixed Year 1 and Year 2 class. On a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I teach in class and on a Thursday and Friday Mrs Howe teaches in class. Mrs Spencer is our fantastic HLTA and we are also lucky to have Miss Wilson in our class on some afternoons.

As well as being a class teacher my other role is to lead Writing across Whittonstall and Broomley First School.

Timetable Autumn 1

Science Curriculum Overview – materials year 1