We are very proud of our Early Team which includes Mrs Drysdale, Miss Wilson and Ms Richardson who is our wonderful Forest School leader who works with the children on a Wednesday.


Mrs Drysdale

EYFS class Teacher/SENDcO

Hello! My name is Mrs Drysdale and I have worked at Whittonstall for quite a few years now! I love working with the children in nursery and reception and seeing them grow into confident young learners. I am also the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) responsible for SEND in school, as well as coordinating Eco-Schools and our Buddies System in school. This year there are some exciting plans afoot for developing our wonderful outdoor space further as part of our Eco-Schools work.
Miss Wilson


EYFS Teaching Assistant

Hi, I’m Miss Wilson and I currently work in EYFS with the youngest children in our school alongside Mrs Drysdale. I love coming to work everyday and seeing the children’s smiling faces! When I am not in school I like spending time with my family and friends and exploring new cities.