Autumn Term 1 2022
This half term the children have used the theme of animals as a stimulus for their work and play. They have enjoyed lots of stories on the theme including Dear Zoo, The Rainbow Fish and Elmer. They have created both a vets and a zoo in our role play area and played collaboratively creating lots of opportunities to play imaginatively together.

The children have been learning how to be good classmates and follow our classroom promises. They have used the book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ as a focus to think about how to be kind and thoughtful to the feelings of others. They each created their own bucket to remind them of their own imaginary buckets! We strive to have full buckets in our class which means we are happy and enjoy being at school with all our new friends!

In phonics this half term Nursery have been enjoying exploring the environmental sounds around them and listening carefully and tuning into the sounds they hear around them and in their play. They have been learning how to listen effectively to each other and talk about what they observe and hear.
Reception have been learning new letters and sounds and learning how to blend to read and segment to spell using these new sounds. They are so excited to be reading books for themselves and sharing ideas about stories they read in their reading sessions with friends.

The children loved designing their own Elmers as they celebrated their own ‘Elmer Day’ in class. They explored colour as they mixed lots of shades of grey to create our own class Elmer in disguise!

In thier number work the children enjoyed the story ‘The Button Box’. They used this as a starting point to use buttons to help them sort, match, find more and less and combine groups to find totals. They discovered lots of ways to sort the buttons including by colour, size, shape and number of holes!