Below are curriculum overviews for Class 1 with an overview of skills to be covered in both Nursery and reception in the Autumn term 2022

Creative Curriculum Topic Overview – Nursery Autumn Term 2022 Animals and Seasonal Change

Creative Curriculum Topic Overview – Aut 1 2022 Reception Animals and Seasonal Change

New starter booklets below outlines the key information you will need as we welcome your child into their new class.

Nursery New Starter Information Booklet Sept 2020

Reception New Starter Information Booklet Sept 2020

Welcome to Class 1 Meeting for Parents September 2021
Guidance on correct pronunciation of sounds taught. A useful reference to support your child as they learn letters and sounds in EYFS.

Welcome to Class 1 Meeting for Parents Sideshow

Reception Phonics Workshop for Parents October 2021

Phonics Presentation to Parents Oct 2021