Our school has a strong family ethos and a wonderful community feel. Our staff work hard to making learning challenging yet fun, and seek to develop strong links between staff, parents, governors and the wider community.
Our Vision, Aim and ValuesHeadteacher’s welcome
Within our school you will find a happy, welcoming, stimulating environment providing high standards of education, valuing the efforts of the individual, fulfilling the learning potential of all pupils and promoting equal opportunities. We promote learning for life and encourage children to learn no matter where they are, inside or out! We believe in developing the “whole” child and work hard to nurture, encourage, support and extend all of our children to achieve.
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A bitter sweet day in Class 1 today. We have had a very busy day with a ping pong party and celebratory picnic to say goodbye to Miss Wilson. It goes without saying that the children and Mrs Drysdale will miss her so very much. We wish her huge happiness and success in her new role and already have her booked for face painting at our Summer celebrations! ❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Goodbye & good luck Miss Wilson, we think you're a total legend in our house 💪🌈 you'll be very missed x
The best last day ever, despite the tears😭 Thank you all so much for all of your gorgeous gifts, cards and lovely comments! I am going to miss you all so very much! But remember it’s not goodbye it’s see you soon❤️
Good Luck in your new adventure Miss Wilson, you will be very missed xx
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Class 2 had an awesome day at Kirkley Hall Zoo today! A lovely end to our Science unit Animals including humans 🐸 🦎 🕷️ 🐵 ... See MoreSee Less
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This morning nursery explored shape on the big yard. They made 2D shapes using sticks and drew some with chalk. They were brilliant at remembering how many sides the different shapes had🟥🔵🔺 ... See MoreSee Less
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Nursery have been talking about people they love all week, they have made valentines cards, drawn pictures of people who are special to them and this afternoon they have made some crispy cakes to give to someone they love. (That’s if they don’t eat them first) 💌 ... See MoreSee Less
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Reception demonstrated great concentration in their PE lesson with Paul today. They worked on their racquet skills as they travelled with the ball, threw it for their partner to hit and practised good listening skills! ... See MoreSee Less
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Class 1 have been exploring length and height this week with lots of direct comparison and using measure vocabulary to explore different oects they see and create. ... See MoreSee Less
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The children in Year 1 and 2 have enjoyed getting to know the story Kassim and the Dragon 🐉 ... See MoreSee Less
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Fantastic story 👏🏻
Deák Róza Margaréta Tóthné
Marylou Heatherington
Look at nursery’s amazing story telling skills🤩
They now know their talk for writing story ‘owl babies’ off by heart. Superstars⭐️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Aww our wonderful nursery. Well done everyone 👏 💙❤️
Awww this is amazing 👏🏻 well done everyone what a lovely story 🦉 🥰
Oh my this is too cute. Well done everyone 🦉
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We're looking for a Teaching Assistant to join our school. Please apply via the following link: www.cheviotlearningtrust.co.uk/careers/whittonstall-first-school-teaching-assistant ... See MoreSee Less
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